Communication loop fail — important than actual delivery and your dedication

J A A & Associates
5 min readMay 31, 2023


Title: The Vital Role of Communication Loops: Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Channels


Effective communication plays a pivotal role in both personal and professional realms. In today’s interconnected world, we have numerous tools at our disposal to facilitate communication, ranging from traditional methods like email to real-time messaging applications like WhatsApp. Each communication channel has its advantages and serves different purposes. This article aims to explore the significance of communication loops and delve into the differences between synchronous communication, where immediate acknowledgement is required, and asynchronous communication, which allows for flexibility but can lead to miscommunication or frustration when a message goes unanswered.

I. Synchronous Communication

Synchronous communication channels, such as WhatsApp, facilitate real-time conversations that require immediate responses. This type of communication is often used when instant feedback or quick decision-making is necessary. Here are a few key aspects highlighting the importance of synchronous communication:

  1. Real-Time Interaction: Synchronous communication allows participants to engage in real-time conversations, promoting quick information exchange and problem-solving. It fosters collaboration and teamwork by enabling swift decision-making, addressing urgent matters promptly, and resolving conflicts more efficiently.
  2. Enhanced Clarity: Immediate responses in synchronous communication leave little room for ambiguity. Parties involved can seek clarifications, ask follow-up questions, and receive instant feedback, resulting in a clearer understanding of the message being conveyed.
  3. Relationship Building: Synchronous communication facilitates the development of stronger interpersonal connections as it provides an avenue for personal expression, empathy, and active listening. It strengthens bonds among team members, clients, and partners, fostering trust and rapport.
  4. Urgency and Time-Sensitivity: Certain situations demand immediate attention, such as critical incidents, emergencies, or time-sensitive decisions. Synchronous communication channels excel in addressing these scenarios, allowing for rapid response times and preventing potential negative consequences.

II. Asynchronous Communication

Asynchronous communication channels, such as email, provide flexibility in message exchange by decoupling the sender and recipient’s communication timelines. While asynchronous communication offers its own set of advantages, it also introduces challenges when it comes to response expectations. Here are some key aspects of asynchronous communication:

  1. Flexibility and Convenience: Asynchronous communication allows individuals to engage in conversations at their own pace. It accommodates differing time zones, busy schedules, and the need for uninterrupted work, offering convenience and flexibility in managing communication.
  2. Thoughtful and Detailed Responses: With asynchronous communication, individuals have more time to craft thoughtful and detailed responses, considering the message’s content and context. This can lead to more comprehensive and well-considered communication, reducing the likelihood of misinterpretation.
  3. Documentation and Archiving: Asynchronous communication channels often provide a written record of conversations, allowing for easy reference and retrieval of information. This documentation can be valuable for future reference, knowledge sharing, and legal purposes.
  4. Respect for Boundaries: Asynchronous communication respects individuals’ need for uninterrupted work or personal time. It offers the freedom to prioritize tasks, reducing interruptions and distractions that can hinder productivity.

III. Communication Loop Challenges (400 words)

While asynchronous communication offers benefits, it also presents challenges when a message goes unanswered. This lack of response can create unrealistic expectations or lead to frustration for the sender. Here’s why this occurs and how it can impact relationships:

  1. Lack of Feedback: When a message is not acknowledged, the sender is left uncertain about whether it was received, understood, or even deemed important. This absence of feedback can cause frustration and lead to misunderstandings or assumptions about the recipient’s intentions.
  2. Unmet Expectations: In today’s fast-paced digital world, we have come to expect prompt responses. When an asynchronous message remains unanswered, the sender may develop unrealistic expectations, assuming the recipient is intentionally ignoring them

III. Communication Loop Challenges and Action Points

While asynchronous / synchronous channels of communication offers benefits, it also presents challenges when a message goes unanswered. This lack of response can create unrealistic expectations or lead to frustration for the sender. To address these challenges, it is important to establish effective communication practices. Here are some action points to consider:

  1. Acknowledge the Message: Even if you are unable to provide an immediate response, acknowledging the receipt of a message is crucial. A simple acknowledgement communicates that the message has been received and lets the sender know that their communication is valued
  2. Set an Expectation of Response: When receiving a message, it is essential to set a clear expectation regarding when you will respond. This can be done by specifying a timeframe within which you aim to provide a reply. For instance, you can indicate that you will respond within 24 hours or by the end of the workday.
  3. Ensure You Respond at the Specified Time: It is important to follow through on the commitment you made regarding the response timeframe. This demonstrates reliability and respect for the sender’s time and expectations. Make it a priority to allocate time to review and respond to messages within the designated timeframe.
  4. If You Can’t Meet the Specified Timeframe, Set Another Time Expectation Well in Advance: Circumstances may arise that prevent you from meeting the initially specified response timeframe. In such cases, it is crucial to communicate proactively. Reach out to the sender in advance to explain the delay and provide a revised timeframe for when they can expect a response.
  5. Explain the Reason for the Delay: Transparency is key when facing delays in response. If you are unable to meet the initially set timeframe, provide a brief explanation for the delay. Whether it is due to high workload, unexpected events, or conflicting priorities, offering an explanation helps manage the sender’s expectations and avoids leaving them in the dark.
  6. Meet the Revised Timeline: Once a revised response timeframe has been communicated, make it a priority to adhere to it. Strive to respond within the revised timeframe, demonstrating reliability and professionalism. If, for any reason, the revised timeline cannot be met, ensure timely communication of any further delays and provide a new expectation.
  7. Effective Use of Out-of-Office Messages: When you anticipate being unavailable for an extended period, consider setting up an out-of-office message. This automated response can inform senders of your unavailability, provide an alternative point of contact if necessary, and indicate when they can expect a response. This helps manage expectations and avoids frustration.
  8. Encourage Open Communication: Foster an environment where open communication is encouraged. Let others know that they can reach out if they have not received a response within the specified timeframe. This encourages proactive engagement and helps address any miscommunications or delays promptly.

Conclusion (200 words)

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the choice between synchronous and asynchronous communication channels is essential to effective communication. While synchronous communication like WhatsApp enables real-time interaction and immediate feedback, asynchronous channels like email provide flexibility and convenience. However, challenges arise when a message goes unanswered, leading to frustration and unrealistic expectations.

To mitigate these challenges, it is crucial to establish a robust communication loop. Action points such as acknowledging messages, setting clear response expectations, and proactively communicating any delays help manage expectations and foster stronger relationships. By adhering to these principles, individuals can ensure effective communication, build trust, and reduce frustration caused by unanswered messages.

Balancing the benefits of both synchronous and asynchronous communication channels while maintaining an open and transparent communication loop is crucial for successful interactions in both personal and professional settings.



J A A & Associates

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